
Kamasutra – sex pose photos
Kamasutra and love positions. Man on top of woman. Woman on top of man. Standing and sideways, sitting and kneeling positions. Kamasutra sex pose photos – Mixed Kamasutra positions.

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Kamasutra photo sex positions

History and Biography of Kamasutra

Kama Sutra photo sex positions – an album with descriptions of sexual positions. Here the experience of modern sexual traditions of the West is connected with the wisdom of centuries of the East, concentrated in one of the most famous treatises on the subject of education of sexual culture – “Kama Sutra”, a book that has retained its significance to this day. The first edition of “Kama Sutra” – literally “Instructions in Kama”, i.e. in the sphere of sensual desires of man – in the Western world took place in 1883 in England.
This translation by Richard Burton and F. F. Arbuthnot was published in a very small print run and anonymously. The further path of this book was also not easy – especially here, in Russia, where it was sanctimoniously classified as pornographic literature. This monument of ancient Indian culture, created more than one and a half thousand years ago, cannot be classified exclusively as erotic literature. The Kama Sutra was written with the aim of practical and detailed education in all aspects of love relationships of the highest, and at that time advanced, strata of society. The ancient Indians considered the human personality to be complete only if it harmoniously combined its three principles: dharma – moral law, artha – usefulness and kama – sexual satisfaction of sensual desires.
“Kama Sutra” is a product of a society very different from ours. Indian philosophers rightly believed that there is nothing shameful in sexual
pleasures . They separated the concepts of childbearing and sex. Animals burn faces, but to receive true sexual pleasure is the lot of man.
Therefore, the goal of an ordinary educated person is not only to achieve pregnancy, which elevates efforts and pleasures,
but also to achieve voluptuousness, which can be obtained only by learning the intricacies of sex. It is to the most detailed study of these intricacies that “Kama Sutra” is devoted. Indians, unlike us, understood perfectly well that the key to a happy marriage and the stability of such a social institution as a family as a whole,
depends primarily on sexual harmony. Their rightness is confirmed by modern statistics from the World Family Planning Center: the true
reason for eighty-eight percent of divorces is sexual dissatisfaction of one of the spouses.
On the other hand, almost all couples living happily in marriage have regular and harmonious sex.
The reasons for this lie in the individual specifics and size of the male members of a man and a woman. We do not think about it,
but during sexual intercourse, such factors as the curvature and size of the female genitals and penis, the position of the clitoris, the weight of the partners,
the size of the woman’s buttocks, the fullness and height of the sex partners are important. Surprisingly, but one and a half thousand years before our enlightened age,
the ancient Indians were well aware of this. The “Kama Sutra” provides a detailed system of compatibility and interaction
of sexual partners depending on the size of their genitals. Men are divided into “hares”, “bulls” and “horses”,
and the women who correspond to them are divided into “gazelles”, “mares” and “cows”. In accordance with this, the Kama Sutra defines the variants of intercourse: equal – “hare” – “gazelle”, “bull” – “mare”, “horse” – “elephant”; high – “bull” – “gazelle”, “horse” – “mare”; low – “hare” – “mare”, “bull” – “elephant”.
Equal intercourse is considered the best, high – average, low – the worst. In the corresponding chapters of the Kama Sutra – “On the ways of lying down”, “On special pleasures”, “On imitation of a man” and “On male methods of intimacy” – positions are given, by applying and combining which partners can achieve optimal results in sex: a man with a small penis will satisfy the most demanding partner, and a man with an overly large penis will be able to give a woman maximum pleasure without fear of injuring her.

Woman on top

Kama Sutra and love positions. Woman on top of man.

The main advantage of this type of positions is that they allow the woman to take an active role and direct the course of sexual intercourse at her own discretion, concentrating on her own sensations.
In this position, the woman can easily direct the partner’s penis to stimulate her G-spot or make rotational movements with her pelvis to stimulate the clitoris directly with the base of the penis.
In the “woman on top” positions, she can ask the man to support her by the waist to increase the amplitude of frictional movements and at the same time control the process so that the partner’s penis does not fall out of the vagina on the return stroke.

For women

Men differ in their characteristics, like a “hare”, “bull” and “horse”. Women are like a “gazelle”, “mare” and “elephant”. When proportionate to each other is combined, there are three equal pleasures. In other cases, there are six “unequal”.
Among them, the “equal” ones are the best, the two called extreme ones are the worst, the rest are average.

Noticing that the man is tired from prolonged efforts, but still retains attraction, she, with his consent, lays him on his back and helps him by imitating the man or does this of her own accord, striving for various methods or prompted by the man’s curiosity. Having loosened her hair, decorated with flowers, interrupting her laughter with sighs, pressing his chest with her breasts to touch their faces, bending her head again and again, she repeats the actions that he himself performed before.
Knowing the arts of the Kama Sutra, she subjects her husband to her power – let him have a thousand women in his harem. Being separated from her husband and having fallen into grave misfortunes, even being in a foreign land, she lives happily thanks to the knowledge of the Kama Sutra.

Even when, regardless of merit, beauty, and fitness, a girl, out of a desire for wealth, is ready to marry a man who already has other wives, let her still not reject a man who is endowed with merit, devoted, capable, and who strongly desires and solicits her in every way. For a devoted husband who belongs to himself is better than a poor man who does not belong to many wives. And even if she is full of passion, let her not offer herself to a man, for a young girl who offers herself ruins her happiness.
There are ten states of love: a loving glance, attachment in thoughts, the birth of desire, insomnia, emaciation, aversion to objects of perception, loss of shame, madness, loss of consciousness, and death.
Let a wise man not enter into company that is hostile to people, that madly follows its passions and harms others. Associating with a company that pleases the hearts of people and is only occupied with games, the knowledgeable achieves success among people.
Since the harem wives are guarded and cannot meet with men and the husband is one, but there are many of them, they remain unsatisfied and please each other artificially. Onions, vegetables or other artificial means.

Let the wife – the only spouse – be deeply devoted to her husband and please him as if he were a god. Let her, with his consent, take care of the family.
She keeps the house clean, carefully tidied, grows flowers so that everything pleases the eye: three times a day she makes libations, food offerings. Another wife is taken when the first wife is stupid, of bad character, unhappy, does not bear children, bears only girls, or when the husband is fickle. Let her from the very beginning strive to avoid this, showing devotion, good character and intelligence. Man, avoid her who sleeps, cries or leaves the house during the matchmaking.
Avoid, secretive, masculine, stooped, with awkward hips, a large forehead, defiled by a man, mute, sweaty. Avoid those named after a constellation, a river, a tree, and those whose names end in “l” or “r”.
Aim for a girl, knowing that she is of noble birth, has a mother and father; born in a worthy, rich family surrounded by friends, loved by relatives; endowed with beauty, good character and lucky signs; has neither small nor large and unspoiled teeth.

He who is deprived of the knowledge of the means of the Kama Sutra, even when discussing other instructions, does not meet with honor in the assembly of experts. He who is adorned with this knowledge, even when deprived of other knowledge, takes the first place in conversations in the company of men and women. Experts in the Kama Sutra say that there are four types of love: from habit, from imagination, from faith and from sensory perceptions. The love that is connected with sensory perceptions is obvious and established in the world, for it bears excellent fruits; the rest are subordinate to it. Having reflected on these types of love, we conclude – let everyone satisfy the desire that he experiences.

For young couples

There are ten states of love: a loving look, attachment in thoughts, the birth of desire, insomnia, emaciation, aversion to objects of perception, loss of shame, madness, loss of consciousness and death.

When both young people stand erect, leaning on each other or leaning against a wall or a column – this is “standing enjoyment.” When, having embraced the neck of the one leaning against the wall with a noose of her arms, sitting in the nest of his arms and looping the lower part of his body with a noose of her thighs, she swings, resting her feet on the wall – this is “hanging enjoyment.” The first three nights the newlyweds sleep on the floor, observe chastity and abstain from food with sugar or salt. Then for seven days they perform ablutions, amuse themselves with music and singing, dress up, eat together, attend spectacles and show honor to relatives.
Let the wise not enter into company that is hostile to people, that madly follows its passions and harms others. By associating with a company that pleases the hearts of people and is only occupied with games, the knowledgeable achieves success among people.

Prudence, good character, proper behavior, straightforwardness, a sense of gratitude, foresight, fidelity to one’s word, knowledge of where and when to act, the way of life of a city dweller; the desire to avoid melancholy, excessive laughter, slander, backbiting, anger, greed, arrogance, inconstancy; courtesy, sophistication in the Kama Sutra – these are the virtues, for men and women. The opposite properties of these virtues are vices. Because of their subtlety, because of excessive greed, as well as the incomprehensibility of their nature, it is difficult even for those who know about it to comprehend the signs of love in women. They fall in love, become indifferent, delight and leave, having lured all the money – women remain incomprehensible.

A woman whose inclination is growing should not tolerate the mention of the name of a rival, talking about her, as well as the infidelity of a man. Otherwise, a violent quarrel begins: she cries, gets excited, tears her hair, hits, falls to the ground, throws off her jewelry.

Man, avoid her who sleeps, cries, or goes out of the house when proposing marriage. Avoid her who is secretive, masculine, stooped, with awkward hips, a large forehead, defiled by a man, dumb, sweaty. Avoid one named after a constellation, a river, a tree, and one whose name ends in “l” or “r”. Seek after a girl, knowing that she is of noble birth, has a mother and father; born in a worthy, rich family surrounded by friends, beloved by relatives; endowed with beauty, good character and fortunate signs; has neither small nor large nor spoiled teeth.
He who is deprived of knowledge of the means of the Kama Sutra, even when discussing other instructions, does not meet with honor in the assembly of experts. He who is adorned with this knowledge, even being deprived of other knowledge, takes the first place in conversations in the company of men and women. Kama Sutra experts say that there are four types of love: from habit, from imagination, from faith and sensory perceptions. The love that is connected with sensory perceptions is obvious and established in the world, for it bears excellent fruits; the rest are subordinate to it. Having thought about these types of love, we conclude – let everyone satisfy the desire that he experiences. Kama Sutra teaches.

For men

These are the women with whom one should not have sexual relations: a leper, a madwoman, one who is caste-banished, one who keeps no secrets, one who seduces in public, one whose youth is behind her, one who is too fair, too dark, one who smells bad, a relative, a friend, a wandering nun, the wife of a relative, a friend, an enlightened Brahmin or a king. A prudent man, one who has friends, who is skillful, who understands conduct, who knows where and when to act, will easily take possession of even an inaccessible woman. These are the women who are accessible even by simple solicitation: one who likes to stand on the threshold, to look down on the main street: one who mixes with company in the house of a young neighbor; who constantly casts glances; who watches from the side when glances are cast at her; one who hates her husband; who is hated by him; who knows no taboos; childless; one who lives permanently in her parents’ house; the wife of an actor; a girl whose husband has died; poor; very passionate; the haughty wife of a worthless husband; humiliated by her husband without a vein; placed below her equals in beauty; the wife of a wanderer; the wife of a jealous man, an unkempt man, a eunuch, a slow man, a coward, a hunchback, a dwarf, a freak, a jewel polisher, a sick man, and an old man.
There are ten states of love: a loving look, attachment in thoughts, the birth of desire, insomnia, emaciation, aversion to objects of perception, loss of shame, madness, loss of consciousness and death. Causes of female evasiveness: attachment to her husband; concern for children; advanced age; depression due to misfortune; inability to be alone; anger at disrespectful treatment; fear that he will leave, that there is no future with him; that he is not seriously pursuing her; fear of a “gazelle”, that he is too impetuous and strong; contempt for a low position; disdain when he does not even understand the signs of her attention and is too sluggish. These are the kinds of men who are successful: a connoisseur of the “Kama Sutra”, a skilled storyteller, in the prime of youth, doing something pleasant, knowing her weaknesses, arousing desire in another excellent woman, secretly close to her friend, inclined to spectacles, walks and generous, known for his ardor “bull”, impetuous, courageous, surpassing her husband in knowledge, beauty, dignity and capacity for pleasure, luxuriously dressed and living in high style. A man sophisticated in the arts of the Kama Sutra, talkative and sweet-talking, even without being closely acquainted, quickly takes possession of the hearts of women.
Let a wise man not enter into company that is hostile to men, that madly follows its passions and harms others. By associating with company that gladdens the hearts of men and is only occupied with games, the wise man achieves success among men. Let the pursuer find out the behavior of a woman and her feelings. When she does not reveal her intentions, let him woo her with the help of an intermediary. When she does not accept wooing, but meets him again, let him know that her intentions are twofold, and woo her gradually. When, not accepting wooing, she again appears carefully dressed, let him know that she must be taken by force in a secluded place. Since success is achieved by skillful means, let him follow them. Having recourse to an embrace that is not too long and pleasant to her, let him begin with the upper part of the body, which bears the touch more easily. A woman who has reached maturity and was previously known is embraced by the light of a lamp, a girl and a stranger – in the dark. If there is no answer, let him ask again and again, gently and without disturbing her; if she is still silent, let him insist.
For all girls love with their ears. Let him thus skillfully prepare the girl, following her inclinations – then she will feel attracted and trusting towards him. Neither excessive indulgence nor persistence can lead to success with girls – therefore let men take the middle path. He who knows how to awaken confidence in a girl, which brings love to himself and increases the glory of women, is loved by them. And if from stories a reciprocal attraction grows in her soul, let him delight her with appropriate conversations that steal the heart.
If she is inclined to the surprising, let him surprise her by performing tricks; if she is fond of the arts, show skill in them; if she loves singing, enchant her ear with songs. A girl is conquered by childish amusements, one in her youth – by the arts, a mature woman – by winning over her trusted people.
In the evening, at night and in the dark, women are less frightened, are inclined to coition, are passionate and do not repel a man; therefore, one should strive for them at this time.

One who lacks knowledge of the means of the Kama Sutra, even when discussing other teachings, does not meet with honor in the assembly of experts. But he who is adorned with this knowledge, even when deprived of other knowledge, takes the first place in conversations in the company of men and women. The experts of the Kama Sutra say that there are four types of love: from habit, from imagination, from faith and from sensory perceptions. The love that is connected with sensory perceptions is obvious and established in the world, for it bears excellent fruits; the rest are subordinate to it. Having reflected on these types of love, we conclude – let everyone satisfy the desire that he experiences. The Kama Sutra teaches.

Man on top

Probably the Kama Sutra – man on top is the most common and most frequently practiced position. Although it lacks originality, it allows for a fast rhythm and high intensity of frictional movements. This position is rightly called “male” because it is controlled exclusively by the man. The woman’s movements are limited. The advantage of this position is that the man can combine frictional movements with kissing on the lips, neck, ears and chest of the partner. It also allows couples to look at each other during intercourse. Since most women prefer that in the “man on top” position the partner presses his body firmly against her chest, a massive man should control his weight by supporting himself on his hands (or elbows) so as not to hurt his partner. To ensure deeper penetration of the penis into the vagina, the woman can squeeze the man’s waist with her legs or lift them bent at the knees above his waist. To compensate for the large difference in height between the partners, a pillow can be placed under the woman’s back.

Side lying positions

In the “side” positions, the man usually lies on his left side, and the woman on her right. Her right leg is between her partner’s legs, and her left leg is on top of the man’s right leg, the knees are bent and lie at an angle to his right thigh.
This type of position is very popular, as it is comfortable for both partners, without requiring significant physical effort from them (primarily from the woman). At the same time, it is easy for the man to kiss both the woman’s lips and her breasts with a slight change in position, maintaining close contact of the genitals.
This is why the side position is one of the most intimate. This position is for those who like slow, deep contact, and for this reason is not suitable for partners who prefer a fast rhythm.

Kneeling poses

These positions are also called “knee-elbow” because the woman kneels and elbows (or rests her forehead on her folded hands), and the man stands (on his knees or at full height) behind her.
In this case, the woman’s pelvis is slightly raised and the genital slit is turned outward from the buttocks. The male member is at the same level as the woman’s labia. In this position, the partner freely inserts his penis into the partner’s vagina and makes reciprocating movements, while holding the woman by the hips.
Without a doubt, this is the most natural position for intercourse. It is the one that is widely practiced by most mammals and is ideal for conception. The psychological disadvantage of this position is that the partner does not see his partner’s face.
On the other hand, this position is ideal for male self-control, so it is especially recommended for men who have problems with premature ejaculation. In addition, the “knee” position makes mutual control possible.
The man can perform friction; The woman can perform forward and backward movements while standing on her hands and knees or elbows and knees; they can perform the movements together.

Sitting poses

This type of position can be safely attributed to the achievements of the sexual culture of Western civilization. The fact is that in traditional Indian houses even today there are no furnishings that we cannot imagine life without – chairs, stools, armchairs.
It is for this reason that the “sitting” positions are practically not considered in the “Kama Sutra”. This type of intercourse is convenient because it allows you to get rid of the monotony of everyday sex.
In this position, the lovers are facing each other, the woman sits with her legs wide apart on the man’s lap. At the same time, the man can simultaneously kiss the breasts of his partner and press her to himself for stronger contact of the genitals, you can even achieve stable contact of the penis and clitoris.
This position can be made more effective if the woman, instead of the man, sits on a fairly low object, such as a sofa or armchair, leaning back and placing her legs on the shoulders of the man, who is kneeling. In this case, deep and strong contact between the partners’ genitals is achieved, and the woman experiences a very intense orgasm, practically without wasting any energy.

Standing poses

This category of positions includes those in which, for greater convenience, the woman should be on some elevation so that the man does not have to bend his knees.
Often these are not the most convenient and comfortable positions, but they are very emotional and in some of their variations provide the deepest penetration and unusually strong intensity of movements.
In a certain sense, the “standing” position is an extreme – usually young people resort to this position.

Application to love poses

A woman does not satisfy her desire as a man does. Thanks to a man, her itch is continually relieved. Captivated by the desired pleasures, she again and again feels a special feeling, and in this feeling her reason is satisfied. But if she does not have access to a man’s love feeling and this cannot be found out by asking: “What is your pleasure?”, then how can this difference in nature be understood? To this we can answer – having satisfied his passion, a man of his own free will stops intercourse and does not pay attention to the woman, but a woman does not behave in this way. A playmate, connected by services, having similar morals and inclinations, a study companion; one who knows the weak points and secrets, or one whose weak points and secrets are known: the son of a wet nurse, raised together – such are friends. Inheriting friendship from father and grandfather, keeping his word, free from fickleness, devoted, steadfast, selfless in morals, inseparable, not revealing plans – such are friends who bring success.

General tips

Kama Sutra (satisfaction of sensual desires) – an action pleasant for hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell – each in its own area; they are directed by the mind, which is connected with the body. Primarily, Kama Sutra is a fruitful sensation, associated with the desire for satisfaction and caused by special touches. Let them achieve it with the help of the “Kama Sutra”.
Kama Sutra teaches that love union depends on a woman and a man, it requires proper methods. This comprehension of methods is carried out with the help of the “Kama Sutra”. Only animals indulge in love without reasoning – they have no concept of proper methods.
Vatsyayana teaches that the deeds of Kama Sutra are similar in nature to food, for they serve to maintain the body. One should only prevent harmful consequences. One does not stop preparing food because there are beggars. One does not stop sowing grains because there are birds that can pick them up. The experts in Kama say that there are four kinds of love: from habit, from imagination, and also from faith and from sensual pleasures. The love that is connected with sensual perceptions is obvious and established in the world, for it bears excellent fruits; the other kinds of love are subordinate to it.

To detect the signs of love between two who have not yet come together, there are four kinds of embraces: “touching,” “pushing,” “rubbing,” and “squeezing.” In all cases, the action is defined here by the name itself. “entwining with a vine,” “climbing a tree,” “sesame and rice,” “milk and ox” – these are the four kinds of embraces during the union of love.
The action of the sciences extends as far as the weakness of the feeling in people: when the wheel of passion has set in motion, there is no longer any science or order.
When the bride consents and is at the appointed place, let the lover, having brought fire from the dwelling of an enlightened Brahmin, walk three times around the sacrificial fire. Then let him inform her mother and father. According to the teachers, marriages contracted before the face of the sacrificial fire are indissoluble.

There are ten states of love: a loving look, attachment in thoughts, the birth of desire, insomnia, emaciation, aversion to objects of perception, loss of shame, madness, loss of consciousness and death.

Let the wise man not enter into company that is hostile to men, that madly follows its passions and harms others. By associating with company that pleases the hearts of men and is only occupied with games, the learned man attains success among men.
Prudence, good character, proper conduct, straightforwardness, a sense of gratitude, foresight, fidelity to one’s word, knowledge of where and when to act, the way of life of a city dweller; the desire to avoid melancholy, excessive laughter, slander, backbiting, anger, greed, arrogance, fickleness; courtesy, proficiency in the Kamasutra – such are the virtues, for men and women.
The opposite qualities of these virtues are vices. Because of their subtlety, because of excessive greed, and also the incomprehensibility of their nature, it is difficult even for those who know this to comprehend the signs of love in women. They fall in love, become indifferent, delight and leave, having lured all the money – women remain incomprehensible. The difference in methods is from nature. A man acts, a woman accepts actions. And because of this natural difference in methods, a difference in thoughts arises. A man enjoys with the thought “I am the embracing”, a woman – “I am embraced by him”. According to measure, time and nature.

Firmness and impetuosity are considered the virtues of a man; helplessness, avoidance of pain and impotence, of a woman. Sometimes, through attraction and special customs, a change of roles takes place, but not for long; in the end, nature takes its course. In such cases, one does not reflect or follow the rules. When passionate union takes place, attraction alone is at work.
Even in a dream, one cannot see those desires and love tricks that arise during the performance of intercourse. In love union, let him watch her behavior, how she enjoys. Relaxation of the body, closing of the eyes, loss of shame, desire for the closest union – such are the signs of desire in women.
Verily, let a man endowed with a hundred years of life strive for three goals, dividing the time among them and combining them so that one does not harm the other. In childhood, the acquisition of knowledge and other deeds. In youth, kama. In old age, dharma and moksha.
He who is deprived of the knowledge of the means [of the Kama Sutra], even when discussing other teachings, does not meet with honor in the assembly of experts. But he who is adorned with this knowledge, even when deprived of other knowledge, takes the first place in conversations in the company of men and women. Experts in the Kama Sutra say that there are four types of love: from habit, from imagination, from faith and from sensory perceptions. The love that is connected with sensory perceptions is obvious and established in the world, for it bears excellent fruits; the others are subordinate to it. Having reflected on these types of love, we conclude – let everyone satisfy the desire that he experiences. The Kama Sutra teaches.


















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