The best sex holiday

On December 25, before the kids were sent home, a festive New Year’s party was scheduled at the Solnyshko kindergarten. By some miracle, the lively director managed to convince the parents, who were unwilling to part with their hard-earned money once again, to hire a professional Father Frost and Snow Maiden, instead of, as usual, dressing up “one of their own.”
The money was collected. The company was called. The disappointment happened an hour before the party began. The company said that they were “very sorry,” but Grandfather would come alone, without his granddaughter. Either they were all at corporate parties, or somewhere else, a sex party. If it weren’t for the bucks collected from the parents, everything could have been easily resolved as a sex party…
– Let them send Grandfather! – Margarita Borisovna, the teacher of the younger group, took the initiative, – I’ll call other companies now, I’ll find us a Snow Maiden. The thing is that Margarita Borisovna was simply a twenty-year-old graduate of the pedagogical institute, Rita Rotova. This was her first job after university, and she really wanted to be useful. Especially in the eyes of her own aunt, the head of the kindergarten.

– That’s it! I’ve made the arrangements. They’ll send, as they said, “an incomplete set”! – she happily reported to the teaching staff, who had gathered to deal with the emergency, five minutes later.
A real surprise awaited poor Rita another fifteen minutes later, when she, together with the gorgeous Father Frost from the first office, nervously awaited the arrival of her new granddaughter.
– Happy New Year to you! – joyfully thundered behind the door in an artificial bass. Rita turned around abruptly: in the open doorway stood another Father Frost, also in a red fur coat, also with a white beard, also with a full sack of gifts. He looked at his “competitor” in surprise:
– Did I get there?
– There must be a Snow Maiden, – Rita gasped, falling into a chair, – Where is the Snow Maiden?
– But you ordered “an incomplete set,” – the newcomer said in a casual baritone, – That’s why they sent me alone.
– We ordered one Snow Maiden, – the dumbfounded girl muttered.
– One Snow Maiden, my dear, is only ordered for bachelor parties, – the second Father Frost winked cheerfully at the first, – Right, colleague?
He muttered something vaguely.
– So, boys, – Rita quickly took the complicated situation into her own hands, – We can’t leave the children without a holiday! So? So! Will the children call Snegurochka? They will! And who will they see? So, decide – one of you must dress up as Snegurochka.

The grandfathers were silently dumbfounded, but after the commitment she had made, Rita could not allow herself to be disgraced in front of her aunt:
– We need a professional Snow Maiden in any case! We have a costume. All that remains is to decide who exactly… You, – she pointed to the first Grandfather, are more suitable in size…
– Yes, in all my forty years… – he began to be indignant, but the second one immediately interrupted him:
– No, girl, don’t confuse us. This is your mistake. And it’s up to you to decide. Dress up as whoever you want.
– Please, boys, – the unfortunate girl begged, realizing that there was nowhere to retreat, – I can’t. The money was paid here… I’ll do anything for you… Anything, anything!
She looked at the men standing in front of her with her most charming glance:
– Anything, anything!
– No problem, – the second Grandfather Frost relaxed, – you’ll give me a blowjob, and that’s it.
He plopped down on a chair and, spreading his legs wide, made an inviting gesture to the girl.
The second Santa Claus, hearing the proposal of his “colleague”, grunted in surprise, and Rita suddenly thought that this was not the worst way out. Moreover, she suddenly caught herself, it would be unusually exciting: to caress a completely unfamiliar man in front of another.
Smiling broadly, she expressed her consent and, provocatively swaying her hips, headed towards the seated Santa Claus. He looked at her with wide eyes, dumbfounded: in fact, this was a joke and he, of course, did not seriously count on a sex holiday…

Kneeling down in front of the motionless man, Rita pulled the elastic of his wide red pants and, putting her hand inside, easily found a protruding bulge on the rough surface of his tight-fitting underpants. After the first touch of the woman’s fingers, Grandfather’s penis began to grow uncontrollably in size, and half a minute later Rita pulled out a strong twenty-centimeter trunk.
Looking playfully into her partner’s still surprised eyes, the girl began to easily slide her soft cheek over the tense head, increasing his already incredible excitement.
At first, the first Grandfather, in a fit of indignation, wanted to leave, but turning around at the very door, he froze in indecision. Apparently struggling with temptation.
Slowly, without taking her alluring gaze from her partner’s eyes, Rita opened her mouth and accepted the erect male member almost halfway. Grandfather moaned sweetly, a satisfied smile appeared on his lips. Smiling in response, the girl released the phallus, already abundantly moistened with saliva, from her mouth. And then, firmly grasping it with her lips, she took it in again, moving the foreskin and freeing the red-hot head. Lightly pressing it, tense from the blood flowing, with her tongue to the roof of her mouth, she again made the man moan voluptuously. Grasping the member at the base with her palm for support, Rita began to slowly shake her head, forcing the wooden trunk to slide inside her mouth, rub against the walls, and finally, when it was sufficiently lubricated with saliva over the entire surface, she released it, admiring the brightly shining crimson head.

Exhausted, the man leaned back in his chair. His hand lay on the back of the girl’s head, gently but firmly bending her head. He clearly wanted more. Rita laughed merrily and gave in. Pressing the red-hot member to her partner’s muscular stomach with her palm, she began to slide the tip of her tongue along its lower surface. First slowly, then, speeding up, driving Grandfather crazy with pleasure.
Unable to restrain himself any longer, the man not only pulled the girl’s head toward himself with both hands, but also began to move his pelvis toward her. Having tormented her partner a little more, she gave in, and, abruptly moving away, swallowed the petrified member again.
Now her palm served as a limiter: the excited Grandfather pushed her head onto himself so sharply that it seemed he wanted to pierce her through. The tense member almost reached her throat time after time. Squeezing it with her hand, lips and pressing it from below with her tongue, Rita gave her partner unearthly pleasure.
Noticing that the other Santa Claus was looking at what was happening with wide open eyes, without stopping, the girl shifted slightly, resting her head on her partner’s thigh. He didn’t like it, but his member became clearly visible inside Rita’s mouth, pulling her cheek in relief. Moving away, she released her partner’s member, still connected to her by translucent threads of saliva, and immediately gently took it back again, almost pushing it through her clenched lips. Noticing the growing lump in the crotch of the observer’s red pants, she realized that she had achieved her goal. The spectator would not leave. She again switched to “her” Santa. He was already on the edge. Literally a few energetic movements were enough to make him, clenching his teeth and growling dully, erupt in the depths of her throat.

The abundance of saliva in her mouth allowed the girl to easily, having made several swallowing movements, keep the ejected seed in herself. Having released the weakening, practically squeezed by her, member, she powerfully ran the back of her tongue over the still shiny head, tasting her man. As usual: slightly bitter, with an aftertaste, Rita noted. Not unpleasant, but nothing special. And why don’t men like bananas!
– Well, what? Have we agreed? – turning to the observer behind her, she seductively ran her tongue over her lips, – Only now I will have one more condition.
Rising from her knees, the girl gracefully arched, in one stroke lowering her short skirt down her slender legs along with her panties wet with desire:
– I’m all on fire. You, probably, too …
Turning away, without changing her pose, she stretched out her arms and hugged the head of the man who had not yet recovered from the love game. The sight of the flushed female womb, glistening with juice, between two raised rounded buttocks, did not make the overexcited Grandfather explain in more detail. Freeing his escaping phallus on the move, he rushed to the seductress thirsty for intercourse and immediately entered her sharply. Obeying the inertia of a powerful push, the girl leaned forward and passionately bit into the half-open lips of her first partner.

For a while she lost her head, kissing one man, while the other, satisfying her, puffed from behind. Each of his movements was accompanied by a rather loud smacking sound, her vagina flowing with pleasure.
In this position, shuddering with her whole body, the teacher finished violently. Pleasant warmth spread over her tense stomach. Her arms and legs went numb. But the excitement was still in no hurry to leave her insatiable flesh. Following a small, insignificant micro-orgasm, Rita felt, a fantastic, incredibly powerful explosion of pleasure would follow.
Noticing that the abundance of lubricant in her somewhat relaxed vagina did not provide the required friction to her current partner, and the large penis of the other man had already risen again and was ready to act, she decided to change the position.
Having laid Grandfather, who had somewhat rested from the first time, right on the floor, she immediately straddled him, turning her back. The long, strong shaft easily slid into her vagina, wet with juice. Having made several up-and-down movements on the tense member, the girl thought that she had lubricated it with her liquid enough, and she leaned back, invitingly spreading her legs. Another Grandfather, thirsty for a quick release, again did not make himself begged to go to the sex party.

When the second male organ carefully but confidently penetrated the girl, Rita at first thought that the lovers would tear her apart. But the surprisingly elastic vagina adapted a moment later, and the brief pain turned into an unforgettable feeling of complete filling.
For several minutes, two Santa Clauses synchronously drilled the kindergarten teacher with their hardened members. Tightly gripped by her, the trunks rubbed against each other inside the girl’s vagina, which was contracting on the eve of an incredible finale. Rita was melting with pleasure. The man on top, sharply accelerating his movements and losing his rhythm, came first with a stifled wheeze. The sharp push of his seed inside became the highest point of orgasm for the girl. Biting her lip so as not to scream out loud, she again reached the peak of pleasure. Her body finally relaxed, and she laughed merrily with pleasure. The last of the partners to receive satisfaction was Father Frost from below: the incredible tightness and strong friction quickly did their job.
The exhausted lovers froze on each other in sweet exhaustion, trying to prolong the fleeting moment of pleasure.
Ten minutes later, fully dressed Margarita Borisovna, having heard the long-awaited words of approval from the strict manager, joyfully applauded along with a bunch of her students, watching the cheerful performance.

True, Ded Moroz seemed ridiculously small against the background of the tall, broad-shouldered Snegurochka. But they really played great. And the girl who personally squeezed the huge guy into a tight women’s suit laughed heartily. On December 31, I will definitely invite several Ded Moroz to my place, she decided. We will have fun all night.


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